"New Challenge, New Opportunity" , a smart city solid waste management seminar has been jointly held by Suez NWS Group and Aden Group in Shanghai on 25 November. 2019. The seminar has invited representatives from municiap solid waste management policy development and regulatory, municipal research institute, and leading technology experts sharing their insights in solid waste management.
Dr. Stephane Vernede, CEO of Enwise, as an industry expert in the solid waste treatment, was invited to attend this seminar and shared with the guests the latest generation of anaeorbic digestions equipement which is able to turn oragnic waste to energy.
This footprint, plug&play waste mangement equipement, will turn organic waste into clean energy (hot/cold water, steam, electricity or biogas) through dry anaerobic digestion process. And client can gain 4% solid fertilizer with reduction of initial volume up to 96%. Enwise provides customized solid waste management solutions according to the difficulties and requirements encounted in various industries, from concept planning, professional on-site assessment to installation and operation support.