11 June 2021,Enwise has been awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label ! Enwise's clean energy solution has been added to the 1000Solutions portfolio and it is now published on Solar Impluse Foundation website.
A big thanks to the Solar Impluse for this recognition, we share the same vision: to provide clean, efficient and modern technologies which can allow us to preserve our environment while also bringing economic prosperity and social well-being for all.
Garbage collection, a global problem
The garbage problem has always been the focus of the Solar Impulse Foundation, and we have also introduced a number of related solutions. The world produces more than 2 billion tons of garbage each year, while in China, 200 large and medium-sized cities alone generate more than 200 million tons of domestic garbage a year.
The main problem with garbage is poor management on a global scale-at least 33% of the garbage produced by humans is landfilled or incinerated in the open. In low-income countries, this number may exceed 90%. Improper waste management not only causes economic and social consequences, but also has a great negative impact on the environment, including pollution of land, rivers and oceans, and climate change caused by the release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the World Bank report, solid waste produced 1.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, accounting for 5% of global emissions. In the food sector, which is closer to people's lives, 1.3 billion tons of food are thrown away every year. According to the description of the Vox Climate Laboratory, if food waste is a country, it will be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China and the United States!

Contribute to "carbon neutrality"
Enwise focused on the research and development of organic waste processing technology in the food industry recently, our first food industry EPC project will be completed and put into operation in September this year. The project can process up to 30 tons/day of factory organic waste including sludge, waste potatoes, potato skins, kitchen waste, and convert them into clean electricity, which can replace about 21% of the factory's daily power consumption.
China’s 2060 "carbon neutral" target has been put into place in 2021, Enwise believes in a great opprtunity in this carbon neutral market. In order to achieve this 2060 carbon neutral goal, China needs to produce 24,000 TWh of clean electricity and 19,000 TWh of clean fuel. The team of Enwise will do their best in improving its technology and be part of the carbon neutrality goal.
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