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Cleantech Group Names Enwise a 2020 APAC 25 Company
2020 List

Leading Private Clean Technology Companies in Asia Pacific

16 September 2020, ENWISE has just been included in the 2020 APAC 25 list produced by Cleantech Group, a global provider of research, consulting and events to catalyze opportunities in sustainable innovation.
The APAC 25 is a list of independent companies from the Asia Pacific region engaged in sustainable innovation that are viewed by the market as likely to have significant impact in a five-to-ten-year time frame.
Cleantech Group put together the third annual list of 25 companies through a combination of APAC-related inputs from the annual Global Cleantech 100 process and detailed contributions from an APAC 25 expert panel. The companies on the list had the strongest patterns of agreement across all the input points and were scored the highest.
“We see increasing demand on the environmental protection worldwide, in Asia we see the innovation on the waste disposal technologies as well as the way how people treat the waste. From the traditional landfill or incineration solutions, more voices came out seeking for “cleantech” which reduces the negative environment impact to the world and create clean energy to the social communities.,” said Stephane, CEO of Enwise.
Members of the APAC 25 expert panel play an important role in creating the list. Each provides between three and nine nominations, no more than a third of which can be portfolio companies (in the case of investors). Expert panelists can weight their nominations, and all nominations are blind (no expert sees the other panelists’ nominations). These nominations are then combined with the outcomes from the Global Cleantech 100 process, which benefits from thousands of data points.
The third annual APAC 25 list is made possible by the continuing support of ADB Ventures and Enterprise Singapore .
“The Asia Pacific region will dominate some of the new industries and supply chains that will emerge from global mega-trends such as alternative proteins, electrification and new mobility, to name but three,” said Richard Youngman, CEO of Cleantech Group. “ It will also be a leader in digitalization, given its weight of population and the size of its industrial base. Both dynamics are borne out in our third annual APAC 25 list of rising star innovation companies from around the region.”​

​The complete list of APAC 25 expert panel members is available at